Babka Farms

Family Friendly, Fun, and Rewarding

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Foundation Mini Nubian Goats

Doe (female)

 DOB: 5/22/2020  (4 yrs)
Mini Nubian | Doe (female)
Sire: Lil' Rascals RN Mattiyahu O'Malley
Dam: Sonflower Ranch Aspen

Samara is really filling out this year with nice brisket and length of body. Her breeding did not take for 2022, so I'm looking forward to 2023 to confirm her udder quality is up to her dam Sonflower ...


Not for Sale

 DOB: 6/28/2020  (4 yrs)
Mini Nubian | Doe (female)
Sire: Screaming Goat Farm Moon Dancer
Dam: Theesfelds Stormy Night
Service Sire: Babka Farms William Wallace

Bina is a beautiful goat! As a younger yearling I did not breed her. Her first freshening will be Spring of 2022. I do not have other goats from her lines so I'm really glad with how nice her udder is...


Not for Sale

 DOB: 2/7/2021  (4 yrs)
Mini Nubian | Doe (female)
Sire: Hilltop Goats CMBM Tobias Brahm
Dam: Sonflower Ranch Aspen
Service Sire: Green Gables D Magnum *B

Oakley is one of twin doelings in my last kidding out of Sonflower Ranch Aspen. She is quite the character, leaping (stumbling in reality, but leaping in her mind) over her sister in a playful romp in...


Not for Sale

 DOB: 5/5/2022  (2 yrs)
Mini Nubian | Doe (female)
Sire: Green Gables D Magnum *B
Dam: Babka Farms Willow
Service Sire: Babka Farms William Wallace

Fern is one of those goats that moves and presents herself so elegantly, which is exciting because her dam does too and I'm hoping this is a quality that will carry on through the generations. Super e...


Not for Sale

 DOB: 2/19/2023  (2 yrs)
Mini Nubian | Doe (female)
Sire: Green Gables D Magnum *B
Dam: Babka Farms Samara
Service Sire: Aries P Carpe Diem *B


Not for Sale

 DOB: 2/10/2023  (2 yrs)
Mini Nubian | Doe (female)
Sire: Green Gables D Magnum *B
Dam: Babka Farms Oakley
Service Sire: Babka Farms William Wallace


Not for Sale

 DOB: 3/3/2024  (1 yr)
Mini Nubian | Doe (female)
Sire: Green Gables D Magnum *B
Dam: Lucky L MD Bina
Service Sire: Aries P Carpe Diem *B


Not for Sale

 DOB: 3/15/2024  (Under 1 yr)
Mini Nubian | Doe (female)
Sire: Babka Farms William Wallace
Dam: Babka Farms Samara
Service Sire: Aries P Carpe Diem *B


Not for Sale

Buck (male)

MDGA# F5  DOB: 2/10/2014  (11 yrs)
Mini Nubian | Buck (male)
Sire: VCH Green Gables SS MoonBeam + *B
Dam: Green Gables EHJ Amazing Grace *P

Sire: VCH Green Gables SS MoonBeam +B SS: Echo Hill's Shining Star +B SD: Green Gables USG Trillium 2*P Dam: Green Gables Amazing Grace *P DS: Echo Hill's Jasper +B DD: Green Gables Milk'n Hone...


Not for Sale

MDGA# F6  DOB: 3/22/2021  (3 yrs)
Mini Nubian | Buck (male)

For a number of years I worked on establishing my doe herd, looking for consistency in mammary, breed characteristics and personality. Primarily because I keep a small herd and I want to love milking ...


Not for Sale

 DOB: 3/8/2021  (4 yrs)
Mini Nubian | Buck (male)

Sire: Green Gables Mojo +*B SS: VCH Green Gables SS Moonbeam +*B SD: Green Gables EHJ Amazing Grace *P Dam: Babka Farms Charity Abideth DS: Goat Trails Half Pint DD: Green Gables Hope of Victor...


Not for Sale


 DOB: 5/1/2015
Mini Nubian | Doe (female)
Sire: Sonflower Ranch's Elvin
Dam: Sonflower Ranch's Freeda

I lost Aspen in August 2021. She was such an amazing goat! So smart, protective, and productive. As herd queen she kept the herd safe and in line. She ruled with a "don't you dare look" more often tha...



Foundation Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Buck (male)

ADGA#   DOB: 11/4/2018  (6 yrs)
Nigerian Dwarf | Buck (male) | Buckskin
Sire: Creekwood Acres Picasso *B
Dam: SGCH Aries RR Cauldron 5*M

Sire: Creekwood Acres Picasso *B SS: Southlake Hung The Moon *B SD: SGCH New Bellwether RR Mini Pearl 4*M 2017 Linear Appraisa VEEE 90 Dam: SGCH Aries RR Cauldron 5*M 018 Linear Appraisal VEVE 90...


Not for Sale

Foundation Mixed Goats

Doe (female)

 DOB: 5/4/2023  (1 yr)
Mixed | Doe (female)
Sire: Green Gables D Magnum *B
Dam: Babka Farms Sassari
Service Sire: Aries P Carpe Diem *B


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